Online classes are carried out using  Zoom.  Please make sure you wear bright, comfortable clothing and set up your camera so it can see your mat (preferably landscape). Please try to be in a quiet room with as few distractions as possible!

You will receive the link to the class 24 hours before it is due to start. 

Zoom Instructions for Participants
1. You will need a computer, tablet, or smartphone with speaker or headphones. You will have the opportunity to check your audio immediately upon joining a meeting. 
2. You will receive an email inviting you for the class  from us. The email will include a link to “Join via computer” 

To join the class:
1. At the start time of your class, click on the link in your invitation to join via computer
2. You may also join a meeting without clicking on the invitation link by going to on any browser and entering the Meeting ID provided by us.

You have an opportunity to test your audio at this point by clicking on “Test Computer Audio.” Once you are satisfied that your audio works, click on “Join audio by computer.”

If you have any queries about how to use Zoom then please just ask!